
Author name: George V.K.

Secret To Getting Sh*t Done: The 1-1-1-1 Productivity Method

Ever find yourself juggling ten different goals and getting nowhere?  Here’s a method to tackle that—one I call the 1-1-1-1 method.  It’s designed to help you focus on one thing at a time and actually finish it. Here’s the breakdown: Step 1: One Macro Goal Pick a single macro goal to focus on for the next three months. […]

C.I.N.E.M.A.T.I.C. (How To Immerse Your Audience)

What does “cinematic” mean? Does anyone actually know? That word has been thrown around so much lately it’s beginning to lose its’ significance. Cinematic stems from the Greek word kinēma, meaning “movement.” This nod to motion is embedded in cinematic. Even though today we mostly think of it as a stylistic term for film. In

Maybe So, Maybe Not, We’ll See

Are the things that happen in your life innately good or bad? I recently heard a fable about a farmer, his son, and their horse and it changed everything for me. The fable A farmer and his son had a beloved horse who helped the family earn a living. One day, the horse ran away

Why You’re Not Making Money With Your Videos (And How To Fix It)

It’s not your gear, it’s not your skills, and it’s definitely not your passion that’s holding you back from making real money in video production. The real problem is that the typical advice you get from the “gurus” on buying courses and acquisition tactics — misses the point. In this edition of First Five Seconds

Cinematic Secrets:  A Photon Journey

Photons I remember when I was about five or six years old we had an east-facing window in our bedroom. The window, covered with curtains, let a few sun rays escape and pierce through the cracks. I was fascinated by this phenomena. I would put my hand in the way of the light ray and

The Best Tool To Achieve Anything You Want In Life

How Things Work One of my earliest memories is taking things apart like TV remotes and electronic toys. I wanted to know how things worked. The strong desire to understand how things function overtook me. To this day I’m deconstructing things, taking them apart, and putting them back together. Although, my focus certainly shifted from

30 Things I Know In My 30’s I Wish I Knew In My 20’s

A comedian once said: “You gotta know where you came from to know where you’re going.” And that hit me in the feels. I started thinking about how far I have come in the last decade. Here are the 30 things I know in my 30’s I wish I knew in my 20’s: 1 –

5 Steps To Cinematic Lighting

What does “cinematic” mean anyway? Is it the framing, the lighting, the emulation of film, all of the above? Merriam Webster defines it as “relating to, suggestive of, or suitable for motion pictures or the filming of motion pictures cinematic principles and techniques cinematic special effects”. Blah blah blah. I have distilled the definition to